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The Most Effective Wildlife Control Solution For Your Syracuse Property

Wildlife control is essential for Syracuse property owners. Here in Upstate New York, there are many different types of nuisance wildlife species that cause significant harm to your physical property. Additionally, they have the potential to harm you and your loved ones as well. That’s why Sweeney’s Pest Elimination LLC provides high-quality pest control in Syracuse, including wildlife control. Read on to learn more about the wildlife you might encounter here and how Sweeney’s Pest Elimination LLC can help you today!

Common Types Of Wildlife That Invade Syracuse Properties

All Syracuse residents should know what to do when they need wildlife pest control. The first step is identifying the problem species. So, what are the most common types of nuisance wildlife species? Here in Syracuse, those would be the opossum, skunk, woodchucks, beavers, bats, and squirrels. At Sweeney’s Pest Elimination LLC, we are equipped to provide high-quality wildlife removal that takes care of these pests before they can cause harm to you, your family, or your property.

The Problems Wildlife Can Create Around Your Property

Having quality wildlife pest control is essential to keeping your property safe. New York is home to many kinds of nuisance wildlife, and all of them are capable of causing a lot of damage to your physical property. Below are some of the problems they can create on your property if not reined in:

  • Damage to buildings: Nuisance wildlife (such as squirrels) can cause a lot of damage to your facilities by scraping, chewing, and clawing.
  • Destruction of yard and garden: If you take pride in your gardens or yard, nuisance wildlife can quickly devastate your plants and lawn with digging.
  • Spread diseases: Some nuisance wildlife can expose you and your family members to harmful diseases if you are around them or exposed to their urine, feces, or nesting material.

At Sweeney’s Pest Elimination LLC, our goal is to solve your problems as permanently as possible, which means keeping wildlife from destroying your property and curbing the spread of harmful illnesses.

Six Natural Ways To Deter Wildlife From Your Property

Wildlife control in Syracuse can feel overwhelming at first, especially since there are so many different types of nuisance species. The good news is there are many things you can do today to deter them from your property. Below are six tips to keep the wildlife from invading your property:

  1. Seal up entry points: Keep the wildlife out of your physical buildings by sealing up any potential entry points.
  2. Keep garbage properly contained: A lot of nuisance species go after human garbage. By ensuring your trash bins are properly sealed and kept away from your home or business, you will cut down on the amount of wildlife entering your yard.
  3. Clean up your yard: Be sure to make your yard or garden less appealing by regularly clearing out organic debris such as leaves, sticks, and logs.
  4. Don’t keep pet food outside: A lot of us keep pet food bowls on our porches or outside in general. Stopping this habit will take away one of the reasons these wildlife pests come close to begin with: a source of food.
  5. Install fencing: If you can, put up fencing around your property. This can include wire mesh fencing around shrubs and plants to make your place less appealing as a whole.
  6. Invest in quality wildlife removal!

If you are unsure how to best outfit your property for optimal prevention, give the wildlife experts at Sweeney's Pest Elimination LLC a call for help today!

The Most Effective Wildlife Control For Your Property

For the most effective wildlife control in Syracuse, the wildlife experts at Sweeney’s Pest Elimination LLC are here for you. Here, our goal is to solve your problem as permanently as possible by working with you to treat your situation. Our expert technicians determine conducive conditions and implement a treatment to reduce the likelihood that you will have another pest problem. If wild animals are invading your property, don’t try to handle them on your own -- let the pros at Sweeney’s Pest Elimination LLC take care of them for you. Give us a call today!

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